New Warhammer 40k Imperial Agents Pre-Orders Revealed (2025)

By Andrew Schrank|August 4th, 2024|Categories: ,Tabletop Gaming,Tabletop Gaming News

Games Workshop just revealed all the new Imperial Agents battleforce, and codex releases, which will be all available for pre-order this week!

New Warhammer 40k Imperial Agents Battleforce & Codex Pre-Orders Revealed

The new Imperial Agents releases from Games Workshop are here for all the patient Warhammer 40k hobbyists who haven’t seen a release since June’s Sisters and Genestealer Cults. With the reintroduction of plastic miniatures like Captain Artemis and the Navis Nobilite Navigator and new rules for the Inquisition, there’s something for every Warhammer hobbyist to look forward to.

Here are the details for these new releases, which will be available to pre-order with your favorite retailers on Saturday, August 10th, 2024, around 1 p.m. EST in the States.

New Warhammer 40k Pre-Orders

Reinforcements are en route, as the latest Warhammer 40k pre-orders have just hit the scene! These new releases are locked, loaded, and ready for action. So, grab your paints, assemble your troops, and prepare to dominate the tabletop.

Codex: Imperial Agents

In the midst of a galaxy-wide conflict, the Imperium faces internal threats from heretics and mutants. The Imperial Agents, comprising Inquisitors, Rogue Traders, and priests, lead covert forces to defend against these dangers. The “Codex: Imperial Agents” provides background information on these military forces and offers rules for using them as a standalone army in Warhammer 40,000 or as allies for other Imperial armies.

This codex includes four detachments: the Ordos Xenos, Hereticus, and Malleus, as well as an Imperialis Fleet under the command of a powerful Rogue Trader. It features 27 datasheets covering various units such as Inquisitors, Imperial Breachers, Adeptus Astartes, Assassins, Deathwatch units, and other Imperial servants. Additionally, rules for the Inquisitor’s Hand Combat Patrol and a Crusade section for clandestine Shadow Operations are included.

Combat Patrol: Imperial Agents

The will of the Imperium is set into motion with a newly formed Combat Patrol consisting of a diverse array of units acting as the Inquisitor’s Hand. It includes a Ministorum Priest with Vindictor, six Inquisitorial Agents, and a 20-member Vigilant Squad accompanied by two loyal Cyber-mastiffs and two Nuncio-aquilas. Additionally, a formidable Eversor Assassin, enhanced with potent stimulants, stands ready to eliminate formidable adversaries. To add a personal touch, the Vigilants can be customized with two Adeptus Arbites transfer sheets, each containing 297 decals. Be sure to check out our full pricing and values breakdown for this combat patrol here.

Imperial Agents Battleforce: Ordo Malleus

The Ordo Malleus is responsible for protecting against the forces of Chaos. They consist of powerful Inquisitors, a group of assassins, agents, and the secretive Grey Knights chapter. This collection includes the new Inquisitor Coteaz miniature, along with a Munitorum Priest with Vindictor, a Culexus Assassin, five Grey Knights Terminators, 12 Inquisitorial Agents with accompanying Tome-skulls, and a Chimera for transportation. Be sure to check out ourcomprehensive pricing and value breakdown for this battleforce here.

Imperial Agents Battleforce: Ordo Hereticus

The Ordo Hereticus is responsible for dealing with the threat of Chaos cultists. Inquisitor Greyfax commands a force consisting of a Munitorum Priest, 6 Inquisitorial Agents with Tome-skull, 10 Adeptus Arbites with a loyal Cyber-mastiff and a Nuncio-aquila, as well as 10 Battle Sisters and a Cherub from the Adepta Sororitas. They are supported by an Immolator tank for heavier purging operations. Hey, don’t forget to take a peek at our pricing and value breakdown for this battleforce right here!

Imperial Agents Battleforce: Ordo Xenos

The Ordo Xenos is led by Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus, who is known for her unorthodox methods and use of Xenos weaponry. She is supported by a team that includes a Navigator, Inquisitorial Agents, a Rogue Trader and her crew, Voidsmen-At-Arms with their faithful hound, and a squad of Deathwatch Veterans aboard a powerful Corvus Blackstar attack aircraft. Together, they are tasked with uncovering and thwarting the insidious schemes of alien adversaries, providing critical support in situations where standard Imperial forces may not be able to act quickly enough. Don’t forget to scope out the pricing and value breakdown for this awesome battleforce!

Deathwatch Captain Artemis

Recruited from the Mortifactors Chapter to the Deathwatch, Captain Artemis is a widely recognized expert in combat. He is equipped with a powerful power blade and an artificer combi-weapon called the Hellfire Extremis. This awesome plastic miniature will be making a comeback alongside Codex: Imperial Agents.

Navis Nobilite Navigator

The Navigators of the Navis Nobilite are a unique breed of human mutants hailing from ancient noble houses. They are born with a third eye and possess powerful psychic abilities which they use to guide ships through the treacherous warp, crucial for maintaining Humanity’s galactic empire. While they are rarely seen on the battlefield, they are known to accompany Inquisitors and Rogue Traders. The plastic miniature of this character was originally featured in Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress.

Ministorum Priest

The Ecclesiarchy holds significant power within the Imperium, and Ministorum Priests often join Imperial forces in combat, fervently preaching to motivate their allies. This particular plastic miniature is now offered individually for the first time, apart from the Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress set.

Celestian Sacresant Aveline

Aveline is prepared to engage and defeat the adversaries of the Imperium using the flame-wreathed blade of Saint Arabella. Her availability for casual Warhammer 40k games is enabled by the inclusion of Legends rules.

Imperial Agents Repacks

  • Kyria Draxus
  • Katarinya Greyfax
  • Eversor Assassin
  • Culexus Assassin
  • Callidus Assassin
  • Vindicare Assassin
  • Inquisitorial Agents box (Originally from Kill Team)
  • Elucidian Starstriders

Legendary individuals like Kyria Draxus and Katarinya Greyfax, known as Inquisitors, often find themselves in the midst of intense battles. They have the ability to request assistance from the Officio Assassinorum when they need to eliminate particularly challenging targets with precision. The available choices for support include Eversor, Culexus, Callidus, and Vindicare assassins, making their adversaries vulnerable.

In addition to skilled Inquisitors, a team of varied individuals in the Inquisitorial Agents box is essential for any successful Inquisitor. Rogue Traders also have access to diverse agents, such as the Elucidian Starstriders, a group of carefully selected specialists and Voidsmen-at-arms who are responsible for providing protection.

Datasheet Cards: Imperial Agents

The pack of Datasheet Cards includes information on every unit in Warhammer 40,000 and Combat Patrol. It also contains a card with army rules, but players will still need the Codex for their detachments.

Warhammer 40,000 Boarding Actions

The current edition of Warhammer 40,000 reintroduces Boarding Actions with a comprehensive 296-page softback book. This book serves as a complete guide, containing all the necessary rules for engaging in combat within the confined spaces of void ships. It includes a variety of Tactical Manoeuvres, Stratagems, and Enhancements tailored to nearly every faction in the game, with the exception of Imperial and Chaos Knights. Additionally, the book explains how to assemble a Boarding Patrol, introduces 55 new Boarding Actions Detachments, and offers numerous types of missions, including symmetric, asymmetric, narrative, and multiplayer options.

With a range of exciting miniatures, new rules for the Inquisition, and diverse battleforce options, the Imperial Agents pre-order releases are set to inject new energy into the tabletop. Whether you’re a fan of the Inquisition, Rogue Traders, Deathwatch or the secretive Grey Knights chapter, these releases offer something for almost every 40k hobbyist.

What do you think of all the new Warhammer 40k Imperial Agents Battleforce releases hitting pre-order this week?


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About the Author: Andrew Schrank

Andrew Schrank

Job Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures,each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.

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New Warhammer 40k Imperial Agents Pre-Orders Revealed (2025)
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