Taoist starting guide (2025)


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Character Creation[]

  • Upon entering the game the first thing that will greet you is a dark screen with some backstory.
  • Click to continue and be greeted by the character creator. You can slightly customize your character appearance. Gender has no impact on the game except that when you gain clothes they are random and might not be usable for you.
  • After customizing your character and hitting next you will be able to select a background. Each background has slightly different statistics. The numbers are basically irrelevant as you'll soon have 100s in all of this attributes. However, higher Perception will make it a little bit faster in the first few minutes. Fortune can't be improved before much later in the game (but again, the difference is indiscernible, so Scholar is probably slightly above the rest).
  • Each background also provides a special item that will provide you extra items as you progress. Each background will give you different progression rewards. These special Items will only be able to be used once every 10 levels of cultivation - this is until you hit Level I Ascension.
Birth OptionStrDexLifeVitalFortuneAbsorptionPerception
  • Civilian - chance for unique techniques and special skills
  • Orphan - chance for spirit stones and pills
  • Farmer - chance for wood iron and herbs
  • Hunter - chance for special equipment
  • Scholar - Techniques and manuals

Scholar has the best progression rewards in the long run, as it gives you Skill Books that assist you in getting stronger throughout the whole game instead of being 1 time use items like Spirit stones (in game currency), wood and iron (building supplies) herbs and minerals (alchemy and crafting). Skill books cost spirit stones or other types of trade items, so getting a free one once every ten levels helps.

  • Input your character's name and start the game!

First steps[]

Taoist starting guide (1)
  • There is a small tutorial, you have to follow it when it shows
  • First thing you should do is hit the cultivate button. Cultivating by pressing that button allows you to start taking energy out of the air, known as Qi, and begin to use it to increase your Cultivation Base which shows as 0/11 and Cultivation Efficiency (0-6)/5s:

Cultivation Base (CB): 0/11. This is your Current Amountof CB/Amount Required for next Realm level.

Efficiency: (0-6)/5s. Efficiency is a range between the lowest and highest amount of Cultivation Base you will get each 5 seconds.

  • After about 10 to 20 seconds, a Glowing blue circle that says Break Through will appear in front of your character. Clicking on it will increase your Realm from Qi-gathering I to Qi-gathering II. All realms are divided into ten parts. Each Realm increase also increases the required CB for the next level and Increases your Efficiency by a small amount.

There ais a lot of information on the screen, you can see everything that is available on Earth for details.

Next steps[]

  • Join a Sect, it really does not matter which one in the beginning, unless it's not your first play and you're on an optimizing mission (but then this guide is not for you)
    • See the Sect Master
      • Greet them.
      • Learn the two available Skills.
    • Start the first Mission
  • Check your character, and breakthrough every time it is available, it's quite fast in the beginning
  • Check the Mail for gifts, you can accept them by hitting the collect button.
  • Go to your Inventory, select any Spirit stones, Food, Wood, and Iron and use them all. This will move them out of your inventory and they will be available for use
  • Go to Dwelling
    • Build an alchemy furnace and/or equipment room
    • Start practicing (10 years)
    • You can also watch 3 ads for each of these rooms - the ads give you free experience towards your crafting
  • Still inside Dwelling, go to Spirit mountain.
    • Spend all your food on apprentices.
    • Put them to work on Food and Wood
    • Use all your Wood to expand the Food and Wood production
  • Back on main screen, don't forget to break through
  • Go to Cultivate
    • Spend all the Wood and Iron left on improving your Array
    • Spend all your Qi on improving your Spirit Roots, either equally, or for the very beginning you can check the elements of your two Sect Skills (sub tab Skills, then Sect Skills button) and only improve those
    • You QI will replenish with time, come regularly to use it on your Spirit Roots
  • Tutorial and Event icon on main screen should give you some rewards, mainly the main resources mentioned above. Use them immediately to buy more apprentices, improve your production and your array.
  • Now select your character's icon in the top left, you can enter codes for free stuff.
    • Input all the codes. Don't worry about any items you don't understand yet, focus on using all resources mentioned above.
  • Go to the Market then Sutras Hall.
    • Buy all of the 499 Spirit Stones Skills you can, try to get some of each colour (each colour is an Attribute).
  • Go to your inventory. The skills you just bought are there. Select and use them, they will add stats to your character.

That's a good start. You should already be in the next realm. Keep on expanding your production and array. Follow the in-game tutorial for new features, and you can take a more detailed look at everything available.

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Taoist starting guide (2025)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.